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A month or two ago while playing through mid game at any point the screen would go black and system would hang and I would have to hard reboot and I just ignored it because it didn't do it THAT much! but I bought red faction guerilla yesterday and the first mission ran fine then it did its normal tricks and the screen went black and hung, but on this game it seems to do it at pretty much the same time each time, about 10 seconds into the second mission it would hang and about 30 seconds to the first mission it happens so it makes me think it can't be a power issue otherwise it would be more erratic than that, changed all the drivers, under and over clocked GPU and CPU, stuck fan at 100 percent to see if its a heating issue and it does it every time at the same time.
Can't work out why.
PS - the first mission ran fine all the way through the first time and other times on cod it wont do it at all.