Over the last few days my computer has changed the way it displays everything.
It has gone from running fine at 1600 / 1200, to running at 1600/1200 but i have to scroll around to vew the whole desktop. it only runs fine at 800 / 600 :O
Any Idea?
Over the last few days my computer has changed the way it displays everything.
It has gone from running fine at 1600 / 1200, to running at 1600/1200 but i have to scroll around to vew the whole desktop. it only runs fine at 800 / 600 :O
Any Idea?
Are you sure 1600x1200 is the native resolution for your monitor?
maybe graphics card problems.
ive had this a few yrs ago, when it happends the graphics runs from standard motherboad.
get your graphics card checked out GOOd luck.
I'd try reinstalling your Graphics Drivers first, corruption does funny things.
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