Woke up to be told that one of the PC's downstairs wasnt working.
The PC was booting up but nothing was showing on screen.
First thought was gfx card and mobo.
So I swap round the parts with another PC that was working and the problems remained, so I thought maybe the gfx/mobo wasnt getting enough volts so I swapped over the PSU. Again the same problem
In the end I swap the mobo, cpu, graphics card from one computer to the other and again the same problems . ....okay getting a bit weird now.
Then I thought hell, lets pull out the other cards (tv, network e.t.c) and try to get it to run as a stripped system, to my surprise it worked and after a bit of trial and error discovered it was a Win TV Theatre card that was causing all my problems (even though its been in there happily for over 3 years), so when i put the hauppauge card in, the screen wouldnt post, take the card out, works fine?
Whats that all about? ive heard of hardware conflicts but didnt think it would stop the system from booting?
As a result my other PC is in many many pieces, so I put it all back together and tried to turn it on.....nothing.
The light comes on the motherboard, but it just wont start up.
Its a Asus A7V133 and its the one with about a million jumpers
I can hear the PSU tick which I press the power button but the system just doesnt start.
Anyone know why?
Also on the main system, the primary slave (a 20gb seagate) wont detect even though all the jumpers have been pulled out (thats the way the seagate is configured to be a slave), I remember when it used to be connected to the A7V133 I had to connect it on its own as I think the jumperless config confuses the motherboard. (but with the Abit KT7 its now connected to, I cant because its only got 2 IDE connectors and floppy, while the old one had 4 ide and floppy).
I could just switch it all back now, but I dont fancy taking more time to do that, if I can sort the current problems quickly enough.
Getting a bit angry now