So I have some SMB shares mapped to drive letters on my system, however unless I'm missing something, Explorer seems to have really annoying way of freaking out when they're unavailable.
For example, if I boot while it's unavailable the login takes significantly longer. Or if it becomes unavailable while already booted, doing something like dragging a file into an Explorer window and just passing over one of the unavailable drives, Explorer will hang for a long time (roughly a minute) with the translucent 'dragged' file just hovering over the window.
Also, I've noticed I can get shorter hangs performing similar actions even when it's connected, and the NAS will churn the HDD heads.
It just seems like a very poor way of handling remote drives - always checking for their presence and adding latency to common tasks even while connected. Even Windows' SMB credential management seems completely horrid but that's a rant for another time.
I don't think I'm doing anything unusual with regard to mounting them - just as a mapped network drive. Maybe a login batch script would be a way of avoiding the issue if the share is unavailable at boot but surely something like that shouldn't be necessary considering the popularity of user-friendly consumer NAS boxes? It seems like a massive usability oversight if it needs scripts to resolve it.