I have a Seagate Archive 8TB drive. Over 1 year I've filled it with videos. Recently when copying files from it to a new drive via Tera Copy I noticed it couldn't copy a few files as it said they were corrupted. So I ran ChkDsk at boot and after 17 hours it did it's fixes but the few files were deleted as they were indeed corrupted.
I'm now trying to copy some files from another drive that were originally on the drive I'm copying to! It will copy a few files at normal SATA III speeds then it will just pause for a minute or so (it's not frozen, it's just that nothing is happening). I then tried another method. I used an FTP program to download the files to the drive and the same thing happens in the FTP program!
There's nothing wrong with the files I'm copying as I tried copying to my SSD C drive and they copy fine without pausing. So it seems my 8TB Seagate Archive drive is the problem?
I've never defragged it since I've had it. I'm defragging it now and it says it's 47% fragmented. So do you think once I've defragged it that this problem will be fixed? Or is it some other issue that's causing the problem?
Would quick formatting the drive remove the fragmentation? If so, I'll copy my files to another drive then format and copy back.