Good afternoon folks.
My gaming rig [ as specified in my signature ] crashed today whilst I left it to download. Recently, I have installed a ghetto rigged water cooling system and after a few hairy situations, the PC was running at a steady 35C. It was going along just fine, as it had done for the past two days. Then out of the blue, it froze and I couldn't get anything done with it. I restarted it, and at the point where the motherboard would POST, there was a long beep, followed by two short beeps and the screen was blank. I shut it down and switched off the power at the mains. I checked and all components and heatsinks etc were cool to the touch. The CPU block, the GPU block, RAM modules, northbridge HSF - nothing seemed out of the ordinary there. At the moment, I'm pretty sure that the water cooling system isn't the weak link since i have been constantly monitoring temperatures and the highest temperature i reached was 37C. I've also got two fans in the front of the case drawing air in, which i intend to keep in.
Can anyone shed some light on this situation ? Any help would be much appreciated.
edit : after listening to the POST beep, it's actually a long beep, followed by two short beeps.