Ok, I'll summarise.
Was playing CSS for an hour or so. stopped, browsed the web for about half an hour, then tzuuummmmmm. Computer went off. So because it's bad weather here, I thought, probably power cut (which we are normal here) and pressed the on switch... Nothing. So I go and check the fuse box, you never know... and it's normal. So I try the switch again, still nothing. Plug something else into the same mains socket.. works fine.
Ok so now I'm really sh*ting myself. Tried changing ram, disconnecting useless componenet (disk drives, floppy, one chip of ram, the other one, etc...) and still nothing.
So I first thought, humm read a thread the other day about a blown PSU, maybe that's happened to me. But alas, the green LED on the motherboard comes on when the switch on the PSU is turned on.
So I suppose there are two posibilties that I immediately see, the first being there is some sort of problem between the case power switch and motherboard, but from first looks this doesn't appear to be it, and the second is that somehow my motherboard has blown itself up.
I suspect this second reason is the most likely, but how would this be possible? Could it have taken anything else with it?