Hello, i need some advice. I recently bought a 200GB Seagate disk, on buying it and installing it i thought it was rather loud when accessing for a new disk, every so often it would make a ticking noise, perhaps 5 ticks each a second apart when the disk wasn't in use. After a month i tried to access my music on the disk and my computer froze, i tried again and again, using various methods to access the data on the disk but couldn't. I ran chkdsk with the /f switch and it found and fixed multiple errors, at this point i was able to recover most of my data but some data bad been lost completely. Since then the disk has been sat on the side and not in use because i couldn't trust it, today i had some spare time on my hands so i ran Seatools and it found multiple bad sectors, i used Seatools to overwrite these sectors and then ran the test again, no problems were found. I am now at the point where i do not trust this disk.
I've taken shots of the testing procedure with my digital camera proving there were errors with the disk, who could advise me what to do, should i start putting data on it again and give it another chance, or should i take it out my system raise an RMA and get a replacement?