hi having read these pages seems im not the only one to be having these problems!
having just brought a new mother board i transfered all my otehr bits over to it, started the system up and got the blue screen! so i reinstalled xp pro and it worked fine although i lost all my stuff due to not backing up, when i switched the system off to reinstall it in the case it would post then do nothing?
so i tried reinstalling xp again this time it says it cant find any hard disks, on looking i saw it wasnt being found in the bios, so i brougth a hitachi desk star sata drive hooked it up and installed windows on to it, lo and behold system cant find any hard disks, but i know damned well it could cos on startup it states that the sata device has been found?
so after all that the question is what can i do to solve this problem?
have swapped the dimms around and re routed power cables disconnected fans and cd drives as suggested in other threads to no avail just changes the error code
heee lpplease