I've had a couple of problems with my desktop tonight (currently on laptop). First of all, I had a message in a red bar immediately after power on that said something like "the power supply to your 9800 Pro graphics card has not been inserted, please see startup manual for instructions". After removing and reseating the four pin plug it booted, but was followed by a message saying "one of your disks needs to be checked". The boot process proceeded to check c: for errors and flagged up a few Word documents before booting normally into Windows. I used the comp for about 15 mins without problems before shutting down normally.
My c drive is a WD caviar plugged into the SATA controller of my A7N8X-E deluxe. I've had no problems with this setup before, other than a strange blue-screen problem when accessing Windows Update on the desktop.
Anyone have any clues as to what happened here? Any suggestions as to what might happen in the future? Is there any clue as to a potential failing part?
... Just tried another boot without issue, not played a game yet. TBH I don't use this system much these days, tend to do most work on my lappy. Still can't really afford to lose it though.