Hey Guys,
I hope to upgrade in the near future, but until then, I need to buy a new hard drive as I'm running out of space. However, I'm slightly unwilling to buy an IDE hard drive, and would rather purchase its SATAII counterpart so that I can take advantage of the speed/technology increases once I get a new motherboard.
Until then however, I'll be using it on my existing Asus P4B motherboard from way back in 2001. It does not appear to have any SATA connectivity, and I am wondering what options I have other than buying the IDE version.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could use a SATAII HDD on this motherboard? I know of 'IDE to SATA' converters and SATA RAID PCI expansion cards, but my knowledge of the topic is quite limited, and I'm not sure which would be appropriate, and indeed an appropriate model.
If anyone does have any suggestions, may I ask that the card/converter is not too expensive (as it's just temporary), and that it is available from Scan.
Thanks for any help you can give.