Hey all,
So i've installed some new Corsair ram, 2x pairs of Twin-X 1024 XMS3200XL ram (eg 4x sticks of 512Mb) It's very much the same as what i had befor, except there's more of it now. However for some reason now when i check in cpu-z it now says that "Performance Mode" (in the memory tab) is now "disabled" Why is it now disabled ? It wasn't disabled with the previous ram, which was virtually identical to this new ram except for the megabyte size, and it is not disabled it in the bios, it just says performance mode "slow" in the bios, like it did when the old ram was installed, and cpu-z said performance mode was "enabled" then. What does "performance mode" in cpu-z mean anyway ? and does it make any difference if it is disabled ?
This is what i have everything is @ at the moment:
Timings 2,4,4,5
Mhz: 200/400 (ddr ram)
Voltage 2.50
Both dual channels enabled.
Cheers, Dave.