Hi folks...
I started my PC tonight and got the usual Vista boot option screen (left over from an old install of Vista RC1). It defaults to booting "Earlier version of Windows", in my case XP x64. once the 5 second timeout happened the Vista bootloader told me it couldn't book XP x64 because NTLDR was missing.
I installed Vista RC1 on a spare partition and checked the contents of the XP64 boot partition. Funnily enough, NTLDR had been renamed NTLDR_BAK. I renamed it back the way it was and restarted. This time the Vista boot loader let me choose the "Earlier version of Windows" option and NTLDR presented the XP boot selection screen (I have a second instance of the entry for XP64 in boot.ini with the safe mode switches so I get to choose at boot time).
The problem now is that XP still won't boot, saying that NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or corrupt. I went back into Vista, checked that NTOSKRNL.EXE exists (it did), backed it up and copied a fresh one from <winroot>\system32\dllcache and restarted. Same story, apparently it's missing or corrupt.
Any ideas? Don't really fancy doing another XP install at the moment, takes ages to get everything set up how I like it
Thanks in advance