Just a heads up - http://hexus.net/static/competitions/ a page formally explaining things.
Just a heads up - http://hexus.net/static/competitions/ a page formally explaining things.
virtuo (08-09-2015)
Out of interest, could we see the random generator script that you use? I've done a lot of work in the subject in the past and it's always interesting to see how others tackle "completely" random.
Oh, this is great - all info in 1 place.
Nice and clear.
A question
How does Hexus handle the scenario if suppose the prize winner from the competition for some reason backs out from giving away the prize?
DR (22-07-2016)
Can i somehow take back an entry? I accidentaly entered twice from one form (i forgot i did it in the beginning of the competition, forgot about doing it, didn´t check email about entry confirm until it was too late)
Request:- Please put dates each competition closed on winner's page!
If you look at the competitions page itself, it tells when you they are closing - http://hexus.net/competitions/
Don't see the need in having the date the competition closed on the page, I mean its closed...what relevance could it possible have...
How can I tell if I have already entered a competition. I get so many e-mails asking me to enter the various competitions every day that I am afraid that will inadvertently enter more than once. Couldn't there be an area in our profile that lists the competitions that I have already entered so that I don't mess up?
For me, when I've entered, returning to the competition page doesn't give me the entry form anymore and tells me that I've already done it. Reminder to join on media is there, but that's it. This does require you're signed into a forum account when you enter the competition, though, otherwise it won't identify that it was *you* entering and the page remains the same.
So that is the best way to do it? Couldn't be there an option which checks if you've entered or not and if you're trying to enter again, it just tells you? Honestly, up until now I didn't realized that if I enter 2x I'll be disqualified :-( because I don't always log into the forum when applying...
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