Entered, thanks.
Entered, thanks.
A prize so good you can't even buy one atm !
WOW what a prize. Thanks so much and good luck everyone.
I bought a KFA2 SG 3090 this week so entered for a laugh.
Entered; but i don't think my current rig can handle it lol!
fingers crossed
[rem IMG]https://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i45/pob_aka_robg/Spork/project_spork.jpg[rem /IMG] [rem IMG]https://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i45/pob_aka_robg/dichotomy/dichotomy_footer_zps1c040519.jpg[rem /IMG]
Pob's new mod, Soviet Pob Propaganda style Laptop.
"Are you suggesting that I can't punch an entire dimension into submission?" - Flying squirrel - The Red Panda Adventures
Sorry photobucket links broken
Please, whoever wins this, mount it in a case in a manner it which it can be seen, and let it shine.
I'll probably have better luck trying to get one through this then actually buying one online
Thats a flashy price
Ohh, there is a slim chance to actually get the 3080!!!
Excellent, thanks guys!
Not the best looking card but free is free!
“We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious.
Winners picked and auto emailed
and replied like lightning
Originally Posted by Advice Trinity by Knoxville
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