Read more.The immensely popular Dragon Ball Z anime series, which has sold over 11 million units worldwide across 30 different videogames, is set for a new installment this year on PS3 and Xbox 360.
Read more.The immensely popular Dragon Ball Z anime series, which has sold over 11 million units worldwide across 30 different videogames, is set for a new installment this year on PS3 and Xbox 360.
once again i cant click the link from work but i have been trying to keep track of the Dragonball Z MMO to be console released on PS3/XBOX which i cant wait for. Fair enough there with be a HUGE abundance of Saiyan's but at the end of the day: who wants to play the token Namek
XBOX: BauerPrime
I'm looking forward to the Bleach game a bit more than this one, although saying that the screenshots do look pretty good.
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