Hoizontal gymnastics aside, no exercise at all....
Hoizontal gymnastics aside, no exercise at all....
sig removed by Zak33
i workout each day doing press ups/situps/dips but add in dumbell and wieght excersizes 3 times a week working different parts of the body as im trying to tone up
I'm Tarinder in reverse. He went nuts getting into shape to climb that hill. I just fell down it.
Throughout 2001 I had to rely on a lift to and from work from a colleague, and after getting back at 6:30pm each night just didn't feel like getting on the bike, which had daily action most days before then. As a result, fitness fell and weight popped from 10st to 13st, and I lost all motivation to get back in the saddle. I'm not a heavy eater fortunately, but having an inactive job and liking a beer doesn't help. Started to get back on the bike last summer and intended to this half-term, but I've got a cold now, and I know how little fun climbing hills while ill is.
Guess I'll remain the anti-Tarinder for a while.
Not particularly active but have plans to join the gym once my holiday is over (otherwise I'll be wasting my mebership...)
Otherwise at work, as its a 2 floor building I tend to run up/down the stairs quite a bit.
Woohoo now Assistant Manager!
Despite being fully aware of the consequences of my lifestyle, I don't do anything about it. There are various excuses, such as I don't have the time, or energy after work, or there's something else to be done.
Ultimately it's all a load of crap and the real reason is I don't believe all the expert opinions and hope that it won't happen to me.
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This is bunny and friends. He is fed up waiting for everyone to help him out, and decided to help himself instead!
I used to be a bit of a gym monkey. Mon, wed, fri for 2 hours without fail, but now I'm becoming a bit of a slob. Still have weights, chin up bar etc in the house, they're getting dustier and dustier though
Mixed martial arts 4-5 times per week for an hour to 2 hours at a time plus push ups/situps and skipping at home.
Going to ditch the car over the summer and cycle to work/uni as well.
Recycling consultant
None, what-so-ever. I've been between 9 and 9½ stone since I was 16 (30 next month)
I've been meaning to join the gym, but not being a driver and the gym being quite a ways out of the village (and buses none too consistent here) it makes it a bit impractical.
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I jog/run about 40 minutes every second day, preferably through forest and rough terrain (otherwise it gets very boring). I also do some mountain biking, and I'm thinking about starting some fighting sport discipline again, like boxing.
When I lived in Brussels for a few years, I didn't do any sport. Big cities don't encourage outdoor activities because of pollution and the insecurity of modern multicultural places... It just isn't the same if you have to fight traffic and gangs of youth delinquents – and there's plenty of both.
Now I live in Finland. Every day not spent out in nature feels like a lost day, even in the winter. You don't know what you miss until it's gone – there simply isn't much nature left in Central Europe. I guess most people on this site are somehow involved in the I.T. business, which quite likely means they work in cities. I can't blame people for not feeling like doing sports living in some urban hell hole. And who wants to spend 30-40 minutes on a treadmill a few times a week?...
I honestly believe a lot more people would do some form of sports if their environment (as in nature) would be more appealing.
weight training for 40mins - 3 times a week
walk to/from work, 40mins each way - 5 times a week
i love it
I exercise most days of the week be it running, walking or the gym.
I find that I feel better both mentally and physically if I'm active though I'm not as fit as I used to be. I used to run the Malvern Hills quite regularly (in my fast-fading youth.)
I play basketball for an hour twice a week, walk everywhere I go (11 miles last night) and cycle as often as I can, and always the 8 miles to basketball and back (though my bike got stolen a month or so back, waiting for a replacement) so I feel pretty healthy.
Just about combats my beer intake!
I don't dedicate any time out of my schedule for exercise as I walk all over to my mates etc at night and easily cover 3-4 miles a day.
Also, I tend to be very active all the time, playing football at the weekends when I can be bothered and even having a manic session chasing the lasers which doesn't half get your heartrate going
Also, rockband drums are a cracking way to have fun as well as getting a little exercise - I was aching a little when I played them on Friday for a 3 hour stint
2 or 3 gym sessions a week, at 40 minutes to an hour and a half, with mixed weights and cardio. I play 5-a-side for an hour or so every couple of weeks as well.
Seems to make a big difference. This time last year I wasn't doing much. I'm about 6'1", weigh about 18 stone and have lost about 6 pounds since joining the gym last august or september. That's with very little change to diet. Body fat percentage (on bioelectrical impedace scales has gone down from about 37% to 30%).
At my heaviest and most unfit I was about 19 1/2 stone. Had a bad ankle injury about 3 years ago, stopped playing football and just ballooned afterwards. No idea what the body fat percencage was then but being so big was impacting on things I enjoy, not to mention the obvious health implications.
Still a long way from where I want to be. Best keep at it eh?
Like the saying goes "those who find no time for excercise will soon find time for illness."
Oh it's true very true!!!!
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