Read more.Rumours abound that Phenom FX will see the light of day in 2009.
Read more.Rumours abound that Phenom FX will see the light of day in 2009.
Odds are pretty slim... they can not afford to tarnish their FX name at all...
Unless they can hit back at iC7 with a completely revamped controller and HT link fix and run at 4GHz+
Maybe Phenom FX-4E...
Me want Ultrabook
please, stop using, so much, overused, punctuation
AMD really are screwed. Now that intel is not only whooping in the high end but also in the mid-tables, AMD isn't really pumping anything out worth buying
We can only hope that something appears from AMD. No competition in the long run will only be bad for us. It does not need to be ultra high clock speeds to beat d2d but a much more efficient architecture. Look at P4 > c2d 1.5ghz clock difference but more than 2 x faster. So hopefully something happens. Hell even if it's only catch up it will be better for us all in the long run.
Just give me an AMD that’s capable of giving Intel's c2d a good run for it money at stock with sensible power consumption and I'll be happy as a pig in mud. I think most pc enthusiasts would recognise that AMD dropping out would be bad for us all well at least until China’s home grown efforts get up to speed.
I know China currently lacks an x86 license, but I can't see that putting them off nurturing their home grown processor development << 100% speculation btw
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