What would you ask this company if you could ask them anything?
What would you ask this company if you could ask them anything?
I would LOVE to know the technology behind the design, testing and final production of a heatsink...
The idea of this little bit of alloy/copper, and a fan, keeping our precious PC's heart at safe temperatures has always facinated me.
I's love to see the software, and any testing equipment.....and I'd love to know when they decide HOW much a certain cooler is gonna sell for.....is it before the design and the budget is then set accordingly, or it it after its designed and its then "valued" according to its potential and performance.
I'd love to see wind tunnels and stuff
Originally Posted by Advice Trinity by Knoxville
have you seen the new ThermalTake tsunami? it looks exactly like a ripoff of the wavemaster, with a better cooling system.
how come one of the leds in the blue LED fan of my black widow died... anyway of getting a new one for free it died within a month, not a big issue really.. also how come it only ships with 3 blanking plates, means i need to find some kind of super-expensive optical drive to match the coolness of the case
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