oh ofc if you take it out of context then its completely wrong, im just saying that majority of iphone owners think Apple were the first to make everything, for example the touchscreen which is completely untrue yet theres no way to convince them that Apple didnt (atleast in my experience, of all the people i know who own an iphone/apple product)
But you must admit it is silly sueing Samsung which is huge and like the saying goes, dont bite the hand that feeds you as samsung provide a huge chunk of components for Apple so if they said FU we wont sell to you now then Apple would be screwed for sometime. Forgive me if im wrong as this is an iirc moment, Apple are sueing Samsung which havent broken an Apple patent? And Samsung are countersueing with about 10 patents being broken so its clear Apple would lose... Its also quite harsh basically saying Samsung cant come up with its own design and is copying
in short from what ive looked at in regards to the galaxy this is what it "copies":
1. Rounded edges
2. Middle hardware button
3. Silver/chrome trim
4. earspeaker looks similar
1. rounded edges is an old design, nothing new and apple were probably the LAST company to use rounded edges.
2. one solid hardware button, but Samsung has 1 hardware and 2 touch buttons so 3 buttons at the bottom and its not even circular its square.
3.silver/chrome trim, again nothing apple specific and they werent the first to use it so its not THEIR design
4. well this is obvious, earspeaker has to be there to actually listen to your convo.
5. Texture of the phone totally different, backside layout and design is totally different from iphone.
6. Side buttons are way different to the iphone, again.
7. Screen is much larger than the iphone
8. Its not called an igalaxy
So im confused, how is it copying when they used their own design?