Many of the tablets are from well known companies who displayed the designs BEFORE APPLE even ANNOUNCED let alone DISPLAYED the iPAD design.
On top of this your prior arguments are irrelevant as it means these designs were not copied from Apple but were produced independently. The whole crux of Apple's argument is the"they copied us" mantra.
Want to see how "original" the iPad design is??
Original iPad patent drawings.
Tablet in 2001:A Space Odyssey which was made in 1968. But before the film was shown to the public, people made designs for the film you know!!
I have worked in science and it is not un-heard of for similar discoveries and inventions to be made independently of each other within a short period. If you have multiple teams working on the same problem then in many cases this can happen.
Its nothing but classic flip-flop
TBH. I even know mates who own Apple products who agree with the sentiment Apple are taking the mickey.