Originally Posted by
[snipped] DSG group has expanded its displays of Apple product and the windows lines are becoming ever smaller. I'm not saying the product doesn't exist, but it seems that the bucket shops only seem to sell Apple in that price range - presumably because thats what sells.
Again on the tablets, I agree with you - and specifically mentioned the Microsoft product. Indeed perhaps Apple is under more threat here - but still the Apple display is often as big itself as the entire display of all the other tablets in the shop. I don't know when the Apple thing will hit its height, but its difficult to argue that every other product can be regarded as anything other than niche compared to the amount of shop space dedicated to Apple's hardware. For a company selling very expensive hardware they seem to have captured the public's imagination. Thats the reason why I don't think the sheen has gone. Despite the fact that many other products are equally as good, as you rightly mention, Joe public still wants an Apple.