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Thread: EA confirms Battlefield Hardline open beta launch date is 3rd Feb

  1. #1
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    EA confirms Battlefield Hardline open beta launch date is 3rd Feb

    Details of how to access this second beta arrive. PC gamers can pre-load the beta from 2nd Feb.
    Read more.

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    Satyapal (30-01-2015)

  3. #2
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    Re: EA confirms Battlefield Hardline open beta launch date is 3rd Feb

    Good for a company that now only releaser Beta games, BF4 was a Beta for 2 years and still not working properly.
    EA do completely nothing about the hackers and you can not get on a server now without it containing 3 - 4 hackers at any one given time.

    No way will I spend a Penny with any one labelled Dice/EA

    Total rip off bunch of cowboys who get your money then totally take the piss

  4. #3
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    Re: EA confirms Battlefield Hardline open beta launch date is 3rd Feb

    I'm waiting for Plants vs Zombies Hardline myself.

    This actually looks decent though.

  5. #4
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    Re: EA confirms Battlefield Hardline open beta launch date is 3rd Feb

    Looks fun.
    Will wait for full release though.
    I don't waste bandwidth on betas.

  6. #5
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    Re: EA confirms Battlefield Hardline open beta launch date is 3rd Feb

    Quote Originally Posted by MickyTek View Post
    Good for a company that now only releaser Beta games, BF4 was a Beta for 2 years and still not working properly.
    EA do completely nothing about the hackers and you can not get on a server now without it containing 3 - 4 hackers at any one given time.

    No way will I spend a Penny with any one labelled Dice/EA

    Total rip off bunch of cowboys who get your money then totally take the piss
    Battlefield 4 was released 15 months ago...

    I've got 380 hours in the game, I'd consider it completely fixed 6 months after release, and it was playable for me before the end of 2013, anything past the 6 months was an issue with how the game was made (e.g. how the server sends updates to the client, and vice versa). I'm not defending EA in releasing an unfinished game, or any of their other practices, but there's one thing I really don't like and that's when people bash good content far more and for far longer than it deserves. Same applies for Windows 8(.1), win 8 was good, had a couple of issues, Windows 8.1 fixed just about every problem the average consumer had with it. If someone complains about something after it's been fixed they either haven't used it since it was fixed or they're ignoring the fixes because they like ragging on it for whatever reason.

    As for the hackers, go to their battlelog page, report them, then leave the game and move on. /every/ game has hackers, I've met far more in CSGO than I have in BF4, and in CSGO they actually affect the game, i.e. you can't leave.

    Anyway. I played the first BF:H beta, it was a bit unbalanced, but I enjoyed the gameplay. I certainly won't pay £40 for it, nor will I preorder it at and price, but I almost certainly will end up buying it on Amazon after a few months for £20

  7. #6
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    Re: EA confirms Battlefield Hardline open beta launch date is 3rd Feb

    lol at the people saying BF4 still broken - just as bad as the in game whiners that scream "hax0r" when you kill them, trololololol

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