Read more.Reference design partner card is said to come factory-overclocked to 1288MHz.
Read more.Reference design partner card is said to come factory-overclocked to 1288MHz.
Seems to be around £210 in real money.
because $200 is without tax, and that is probably with tax.
Chinese prices are the prices you pay at the point of purchase,so that equates to £212 over here,and China has a 17% sales tax:
It's the 8GB, so that's the $230 one. So, that's fine.
I thought the standard *boost* clock was supposed to be 1266, the core clock 1080. The card is supposed to generally stay on boost during gaming and only drop to core clock for things like furmark, so we really want to know what the boost clock is.
HI, so about £250 not bad.
Two of these cards will be better than GTX1080
Yes, though definitions of core and boost are a little vague I guess if you can boost beyond core if enough spare wattage and can also throttle below core if wattage temps too high or when under light load to save power! Gaming clock speed might be a simpler term (the clock speed the card should aim to run at in the majority of games).
So itll be £300 in the UK then .
Chinese prices are always high.
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