Read more.Cryptocurrency value volatility ($15K today) and high transaction fees are to blame.
Read more.Cryptocurrency value volatility ($15K today) and high transaction fees are to blame.
Millennium (08-12-2017)
Yes it is some outlandish speculation I am not a complete nutter, but there are some calculations involved in my guesswork, previous market crashes against items with similar hallmarks to bitcoin together with the comparison of the worth of gold vs availability has brought me to those figures.
I won't go as far as saying crypto currencies and block chains will never work, but I truly believe bitcoin in itself is setting up for a car crash after some more growth.
Millennium (08-12-2017)
The transaction fees were up to $20 (as was probably mentioned in the linked article) no-one would buy even a $50 game with a $20 transaction fee unless they had money to burn.
I can see Bitcoin hitting maybe $17k (possibly as Evil Cycle says a lot more) but the government regulation, co-option and inevitable crash will come. How big and bad it is is anyone's guess. I should probably invest in it but I don't like it environmentally so I will likely refrain.
hexus trust : n(baby):n(lover):n(sky)|>P(Name)>>nopes
Be Careful on the Internet! I ran and tackled a drive by mining attack today. It's not designed to do anything than provide fake texts (say!)
So a single bitcoin is worth 17k?
You can mine more tulips by burying the bulbs and leaving them alone, which you can't do with bitcoin
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