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Thread: Striking AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2000 packaging revealed

  1. #17
    Long member
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    • philehidiot's system
      • Motherboard:
      • Father's bored
      • CPU:
      • Cockroach brain V0.1
      • Memory:
      • Innebriated, unwritten
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      • Big Yellow Self Storage
      • Graphics card(s):
      • Semi chewed Crayola Mega Pack
      • PSU:
      • 20KW single phase direct grid supply
      • Case:
      • Closed, Open, Cold
      • Operating System:
      • Cockroach
      • Monitor(s):
      • The mental health nurses
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      • Please.

    Re: Striking AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2000 packaging revealed

    Quote Originally Posted by Dashers View Post

    Please keep packaging minimal and recyclable. Where possible, cardboard with minimal use of plastics. Preferably, a box just big enough to contain the product and associated gubbins.

    It's stuff like this that actively puts me off manufacturers.

    HTC have been through this cycle. The TYTN II was in a big box with magnetic closure all posh and everything. Pointless given that you were probably going to open it once and then bin it. I kept it for storage as it was sturdy. Since then they seemed to go more and more compact and recyclable on the packaging, most notably starting with the One X. After that the M7 and M9 both came in minimalistic boxes which were flexible so good for absorbing impacts. There was a space saving for HTC so transport became cheaper and they could also brag about being nice to the trees, etc. The thing with boxes is that if you see it on a shelf then it'll make a difference. I dunno about you but if I go into a phone shop I don't even see the box until I've basically agreed to buy as the person pops into the back to get you a phone. More and more people are buying online or upgrading using online or phone systems and therefore again, the packaging has minimal impact.

    It's a crying shame to see HTC going down "meeeee tooooo!" route when they were so good at doing things just that little bit different.

  2. #18
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    Re: Striking AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2000 packaging revealed

    would make a cool stash tin ;}

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