.. In Korea...
Ok, sorry, that was mean to let you think that it was for here, but interestingly, the Korean PSP will be web browsing enabled right out of the box!
The Korean package will feature an extra UMD which will allow users to hook up to the net through Wifi hotspots thanks to Korea Telecommunications, Korea's version of our BT.
Now, you've probably seen the article here about how to browse the web on your PSP, so we know it is possible, and a leaked future firmware update read me mentioned applications such as word processing and spreadsheets, so perhaps Sony are looking to expand the appeal of the PSP to encroach on the PDA market?
Several companies have perihperals in development to take advantage of this, such as keyboards and mice, but the big question for the UK user is....
Will WE get web access out of the box too?
I suppose that hangs on whether Sony can fix a deal with a UK ISP, but BT's Openzone Wifi hotspot system is already up and running, so let's keep our fingers crossed, eh?