ROFL, covid is fake BS. 1/2 or more of the deaths in USA are simply being misstated and the other half are just another flu/cold/pneumonia etc etc (die of car wreck right in front of hospital, head chopped off in wreck, oops he's got covid, he died of covid). The only thing this app is good for is TRACING YOU. 50% of the country in USA never takes the flu vaccine. We won't take a covid crap vaccince either, especially with 5 days of Hydroxychloroquine+zpak being a cure already for $5. They'd rather have you do yearly vaccince for $20. No thanks. I have an immune system anyway and have no interest in making BillG richer or any other losers pushing this crap.
CDC now admitting ONLY 6% have COVID ONLY when dead. Avg death from covid (
ROFLMAO), has 2.5 OTHER CONDITIONS already that compromised them before covid even came to be. 14 kids dead in USA so far last I checked...No school should be closed, bankrupt any school trying this crap, no money if you dont' open!
Watch for death tolls to start dropping as people have to report REAL DEATH FROM COVID ONLY. If you die from getting shot, car wreck etc, you are dead from THAT, not COVID!
Masks are stupid too (only to protect old, or already sick). I'll take my chances with 10mil dead in USA (miles from that, avg age 80yrs old anyway), never mind this puny 160k crap and most of that due to HCQ not being given to OLD PEOPLE. We are only slowing it down, you can't hide from it forever. Stop eating carbs, your immune system will instantly get better forever. I haven't had a cold, flu, etc, since KETO. I'm talking the good kind, NO VEGETABLE OILS, only grassfed butter, coconut, avocado, olive, yeah the FAT MATTERS. ADA KETO is stupid keto (American Diabetes idiots, their version will kill you...
LOL - heck their recommendations for diabetics will kill you too it's a crap diet). NO soy either. NEVER SOY.
One more way they are trying to track you with fake illnesses. It won't be long before that tracing is used to block you from things you want/need if you don't agree with whatever idiot is in office where you live
No thanks, .0001% death rates don't scare me. I wouldn't be scared of this crap at 1% death rates.