That might be one definition of cobblers. though not one I've come across. But part of the .... appeal .... of English, I guess, is that many words have multiple potential meanings, sometimes just a question of emphasis but sometimes entirely different and it's the context that makes clear which meaning is intended. Cobblers, for instance, could refer to a collection of people that make shoes. However, it is generally, and perhaps a bit archaicly, likely to refer either to nonsense, bunkum, rubbish, etc, or a gentleman's spheroids, gonads, tackle, family jewels, nuts, plums, knackers or testicles. Or many more. Which, in many contexts, actually is intended to imply rubbish, bunkum, etc though in a context like "a swift kick in the cobblers" really does mean kick in the 'nads.
If that's confusing, maybe I need to explain the explanation, too.