Just after we managed to shake off software patents, something else comes along. The EU is proposing a Europe-wide online music licensing and copyright system.

Let's step back for a minute, though, and ask whether this is actually a bad thing. From Globe Technology:
Currently artists have to secure copyrights in each of the EU's 25 member nations, with each country requiring separate copyrights for the right to transmit songs over the Internet, a complex and expensive process the EU head office said.

As a result of these costs, on-line music sales in Europe have lagged behind those in the United States. Last year, the U.S. had an estimated $248-million (U.S.) in on-line music sales compared with Europe's $32.5-million.
I'm sure that most people would like to see the artists benefit from this, but what about the DRM-loving record companies? Will they make the most of this? Let us know what you think.