Just after we managed to shake off software patents, something else comes along. The EU is proposing a Europe-wide online music licensing and copyright system.
Let's step back for a minute, though, and ask whether this is actually a bad thing. From Globe Technology:I'm sure that most people would like to see the artists benefit from this, but what about the DRM-loving record companies? Will they make the most of this? Let us know what you think.Currently artists have to secure copyrights in each of the EU's 25 member nations, with each country requiring separate copyrights for the right to transmit songs over the Internet, a complex and expensive process the EU head office said.
As a result of these costs, on-line music sales in Europe have lagged behind those in the United States. Last year, the U.S. had an estimated $248-million (U.S.) in on-line music sales compared with Europe's $32.5-million.