Wow. Now this is an interesting one. The Committee to Fight Microsoft (CTFM) wants to block Microsoft from launching Windows Vista unless it offers a warranty to purchasers assuring that there is no 'bad code' in the Operating System. Tom's Hardware reports:Of course, Linux doesn't require regular updates, does it? Oh wait, yes it does, as does any critical piece of software, be it an Operating System, Virus Scanner, Firewall, Office Application, whatever."Bill Gates sells the public defective products," says CTFM Executive Director Andy Martin, "And then expects us to spend years being his guinea pigs, while he corrects the myriad of defects and vulnerabilities in his defective code. This is mass consumer fraud."
The group did not provide many details beyond Martin's anger against Microsoft and said that it considers "launch legal action" against Microsoft. "Over four years after Windows XP was released I still receive regular 'updates' and 'bug fixes,' which reflect a product that was originally scandalously defective," Martin said.
Now, we're not all expected to be huge fans of Microsoft, but you cannot deny that what they've done for computing and its adoption worldwide is fantastic, nor can you solely blame Microsoft for producing code that has bugs in it. This little 'venture' is bound to fall flat on its face.