Dive over and check out the HEXUS.lifestyle headline. This does concern YOU.In a briefing last week by Adobe, members of the press were told outright that the company was going to be "levelling" the prices of its software between the USA and Europe - with prices in Euros being pegged far close to those in dollars. The upshot of this should mean - as we understood it - prices of Adobe software in Europe will no longer be a whole lot more that in the USA.
Trouble is, the people who briefed the people who briefed the press couldn't have given them chapter and verse on the relative prices on each side of the pond would be THIS week because, it looks to us, like Adobe is continuing to play that maddening old game ROCIE - Rip Off Customers In the EU.
As well as tabulating the prices - which to us are clear evidence that EU buyers of Adobe software are subsidising buyers in the USA - we've also taken the unusual step of making available for download the spreadsheet used to create the tables.
We've made the spreadsheet available so that the rest of world, if it has the urge, can look to widen the net (tighten the noose?) by adding in comparative figures for other nations and other Adobe programs or, better still, for products from other companies.
Why stop at Adobe? After all, this is something much bigger than a single-company issue.
Sound appealing? Then head over to the HEXUS.community and get involved in some concerted action about GAPDY - the Great Atlantic Price Divide.