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Thread: Even a creature from outer space should know you can't buy a good review on HEXUS

  1. #193
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    Haha this made me chuckle out pretty loud at work.
    The sad thing is most Companies and journalists probably work like that everyday and they think of it as part of the job. Thats what makes me a proud Hexus signer-upper!
    I have to admit it was a bit of a chin dropper when i read the actual emails. firslty because of obvious reasons but secondly coz you guys had the jolly rodgers to publicly name and shame! interesting decision! hope this doesnt have any knock on effects for Hexus.
    good going guys!!!
    And God said "Let there be light." But then the program crashed because he was trying to access the 'light' property of a NULL universe pointer.

  2. #194
    Senior Member JPreston's Avatar
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    Phew, well I think kudos to Hexus for publishing the emails and thank you for an objective attitude to the reviews on which I know I can continue to base buying decisions on.

    And I personally don't give a monkeys about the pseudo-solicitors posting to complain about the tactics used or the technicalities of copyright law because I regard this as a public interest issue. What kind of joker incriminates his employer so negligently anyway?

  3. #195
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    I have noticed in comments made by Hexus employees that you seem to think there is only one possible interpretation of Mr. Bettinsons 1 st E mail response.
    One has to wonder how you guys can know what he was really thinking when he sent it. Especially after you all have seemed to ignore the negative tone that your review had in the 1 st place.
    When you only provide your side of the story and not all of the back ground behind it and your previous actions/ communications with the author ( where are the MSN logs of the previous comments? ) it only make you guys look like you have a score to settle with Alienware and the author of the Emails ..... funny in the end you’ve only exposed yourselves as the ones with a problem.

    I notice that Mr. Bettinson makes reference to some one threatening his job over the phone and if that reference is towards one of your employees it makes much more sense the attitude he has and some of his responses.

    Also of note in a return email to him is your ongoing hostility towards him and Alienware in general. Calling people names and ridiculing them can only lead to further hostilities and a feeling of unprofessionalism. It was quite telling in the way that you all have reacted once there was a perceived threat made towards your receiving of any more "freebies". Most of your complaints seem to be over pricing issues and not even targeting any actual flaws or problems with the item reviewed

    One thing I constantly noted in the review in question is the tone of the author and that he only seems to want to focus on the negative ( IE price issues or his own expectations of to what the core system should offer with out regards to the many add ons available ) for example " nothing wrong with that, so moving along.....
    Its like he can’t actually make a positive comment towards Alienware, and you expect them to continue to send you FREE material for your “reviews" ?

    comments like this leave the reader (and no doubt Alienware) feeling as if its not a fair un-biased review but more of a chance to get digs in on Alienware, to make every attempt to point out the negatives and very little positive is said.

    If your company is really committed towards providing fair and balanced reviews of products maybe you should take all questions of "corruption" off the table and go out and purchase your units from retailers just like the lay public is going to.... I mean after all how good is a review if you need to be in direct contact with the maker of the product and ask for them for free any ways ?
    More the attitude I got from the whole incident was give us more freebies and we will still ridicule you ... only a "moron" would abide by those terms !

    I no doubt would follow a similar route and deny any more freebees of my products to any one / company that seemed to have it out for me and constantly gave negative reviews for my products simply because one didn’t like the price ...
    you have after all in the past admitted that the products are good sound systems with high end specs ....
    but yet the bottom line to you seems to be price alone and you dont seem to realize that people like to pay for a name/ brand and dont really have the time nor expertise to put together a system for themselves, if they did you would be relagated to single item reviews and not high end somplete systems that you have asked to recieve FREE

    Only an idiot would keep coming back for more and provide the products for free to only be mocked and ridiculed in the end. Sadly enough you at Hexus for some unknown reason seem to think you’re on the high horse and have done nothing wrong when I myself see it from the outside with nothing vested in it as completely the other way around ...

    Don’t even get me started on the questionable ethics of "leaking" Emails from one professional to another about internal issues (when you couldn’t even see your own negativity) to the public and media in an attempt to settle a score you have with others .... VERY unprofessional and childish !

    Next time step out of the box and put yourself in the other persons shoes and you might realize that there are 2 sides to every story!

    I myself now have doubts that any future reviews I read from you guys will be fair and unbiased and not just another attempt to settle your score.
    Certainly I will be looking for more comprehensive reviews and ones with out such a negative tone. Perhaps you might want to review your reviews and the spin that the editors put on them as it might not be the same as the author actually feels

  4. #196
    Lucca Der Tuv (LCD) mart_haj86's Avatar
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  5. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart_haj86 View Post

    I wonder if "Mr I Just Registered to Make this Post" works for Mr Bettinson's organisation?

  6. #198
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    Go Hexus!

    The hole incident is just another 'approved stamp' on the passport of trust readers use when travelling in Hexus country.

  7. #199
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    I've just seen this.

    Bit childish on both sides really.

    Glad it's done and dusted, I don't think either HEXUS or Alienware came off looking 'right', there's plenty to criticise about both.

    But, on with the show!

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    Re: Even a creature from outer space should know you can't buy a good review on HEXUS

    Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
    One thing I constantly noted in the review in question is the tone of the author and that he only seems to want to focus on the negative
    I feel i can speak for most hexus readers in saying that the tone of the review was justifiably negative.

    Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
    nothing wrong with that, so moving along.....
    The most remarkable attribute of the system was it's enormous price tag. In that context, it's difficult to put a positive spin on anything less than stellar performance and features (it lacks both).

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