what is it with salad? its usually pubs or greasy spoons who do this, but a lot of places are guilty of it...when you order a specific dish, and it comes with that lame bit of green salad on the side of the plate which serves no purpose whatsoever
nobody eats it, it hardly adds to the presentation of the dish cos its just been plonked there & not arranged in any way...and if i were that concerned about the presentation of my dish i wouldn't be eating in a pub or greasy spoon
you didn't order it....you can't un-order it - beleive me, i've tried often enough,
me - "can i not have any salad please"
them - "certainly sir"
and still turns up with salad
as a good friend of mine once said once, when a pub gave him salad after he specifically asked them not to
mate - "do you serve salad on its own?"
waiter - "yes sir, we do"
mate - "why?"