The receipe is taken from a book I got my Dad last christmas , entitled " A Recepie book for a man who probably only owns 1 saucepan"
it caught my eye , and Iv'e finally got round to giving it a go
1 Kg of Mince ( fresh is ideal but I just defrosted some frozen stuff )
Packet of French Onion Soup Mix
2-3 Tablespoons of Soured cream
some chopped parsely salt & pepper
combine everything in a bowl and mix (dont use too much cream or it will be a bit sloppy )
heat oven to 160c
form mixture into balls ( squash ball sized seems ideal ) and bake for about 15 mins
they suggest having them to dip into sauces , but I felt like going a bit more traditional
afer cooking the balls I transferred them to a dish , covered with some pasta sauce ( of course that I made the other day , I just happened to have sealed it in a jar marked Dolmio ) and wacked in the microwave for a few mins to hot up.
serve with some nice pasta