My wife's away on holiday this week and next, so I thought I'd invite my brother, his GF and one of our friends round for a roast on Sunday- I have a tendency to just live on packet noodles and cheese on toast if I don't give myself an incentive to cook. Now I can cook the individual parts of a roast quite well, my main problem is timing everything so it's all cooked at the same time- I'm hopeless at this. Ordinarily it doesn't make much difference to the wife and I whether we eat at 7 or 8, but with people coming round I can't be as flexible. So:
I got a great deal on a big lean pork rolled shoulder joint, which is about a foot long and maybe 5" diameter. Trouble is it's nearly 6lb which is far too much for 4 people so I thought I'd cut a third of it off and freeze it. The question is, cooking times for joints are always a function of the weight- but given that the whole joint is relatively long and thin, lopping a bit off the end is not going to bring any of it 'closer to the surface' so to speak, so I can't see how the middle is going to cook any quicker? Should I just go with the original cooking time, or reduce it according to the weight formula?
Then, spuds. I nearly always end up waiting on my spuds while the rest of the meal gets cold, and I don't want that to happen this time. Can I peel and cut them some time in advance (I always underestimate how long this takes)?Roughly how long does half a medium sized potato take to roast from cold in a fan oven at ~180C? Is it better to boil them for a bit first? I think roast spuds taste best when cooked in pork fat, but unfortunately this is a pretty lean joint so I won't get much out of it. What else is good to roast them in?
Rich :¬)