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I have B75 chipset board. Had some minor issues which all disappeared after a BIOS update (EIST didn't work, neither did Turbo and I could properly change the memory settings).
What happens when you set your memory to auto? Does it boot at 1333Mhz? When yes,then the BIOS believes that is the right frequency to pair with your CPU and you CAN'T manually increase (overclock) the memory, thanks to the B75 chipset. All you can do is change the timing settings and voltage.
I wouldn't bother with Memtest86. I tested my memory at 1333Mhz with 7-7-7-20 at 1.5V (increase from 1.35V default) from DOS booted from a USB key . After about 60min of testing all finished, no errors.
So I saved the settings and booted the OS. I believe half of my drivers didn't even loaded, crashed immediately. Best for testing memory settings would be a program right in Windows.
I suggest : BIOS update > different memory modules > send back the mobo.