So, I just received all of my hardware for the new computer I am building. My specs are as follows:
Asus P8Z68-V Pro Motherboard
Intel i5-2500k Processor
Crucial Ballistix 4gb (2x 2gb) DDR3 1600 Ram
Now, as of only 2 hours ago, I was able to bring up my bios and attempt to install windows (which led to more problems due to old versions still installed on the HD). I unplugged my Power Supply in order to use it within my older PC, and when I plugged everything back into my Asus P8Z68-V Pro, I get the DRAM_LED light continuously lit up. I also had to remove my ram in order to move parts out of my case, but I plugged them back into the same place right after..
I have switched the ram into almost every possible combination and ran MemOK! but to no success. I get no VGA display and I know somehow the ram is tampered.
Is there a way to reset my Motherboard back to some default setting? or within the transfer process did this BRAND NEW ram get ruined
any help is appreciated.