Hi all,
I've recently killed my old P6X58D-E so thought that I would pick up a second hand one on ebay (Normally wouldn't, but thought I would give it a shot this time). Anyway, as the title states, I've got it today and there seem to be a couple of bent pins on the mobo.
There are probably about 3-4 that I would say need tweaking, but, what I don't want to do is to damage it first. What I want to ask is whether or not trying the CPU first is a bad thing or not? Could it kill my CPU, or would it at worst cause instability, or failure to boot.
Basically, I don't want to mess with the pins unless I have to, incase I break one off. If it does boot, is there a chance that they could cause a problem later on down the line?
I guess at worst case, I don't mind if the mobo goes, but I don't want to take the CPU out with it.
Any thoughts would be good.
FYI, its this item. I did buy it on a worries whim the night I broke my original one, guess I shouldn't...
EDIT: Image of the bent pins...