I sort of "fell" into the Tao, as easy as slipping on ice ! It instinctively just felt right for me.
The BIG thing is concerning an overall power in charge of the universe
Some call it God, most religions agree that there is one supreme *being* that does it, with loads of different names but most agree there is only one. Most folk also now believe that this *one* is the same *one*, with (at least) Muslims, Hebrews and Christians all agreeing.
The problem for me is I cannot believe in a deity who is personal and listens and looks after everyone. "God" just doesnt work for me. To me, the thing that runs the universe, something like a software programme, is entirely impersonal and cannot be named. If it runs this and all the other multi-universes it must be limitless. If you name something, you define it, and if you define something, you limit it. Hence, I can't call it God, or Allah, or Buddha, and Yahweh, or Krishna etc.
Actually, Yahweh wouldnt be so bad as it literally means "I am that I am" - In the original Hebrew, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה spelled entirely with consonants, yod he vau he. The Jews also called it Adonai (“My Lord”), or with haShem (“the Name”) in everyday speech. There's a nameless power, so the Tao isn't without precedent
The other thing with the Tao is that as "it" doesnt listen, prayer and adulation, praising and all that churchy stuff, to me is pointless.
Now I must state that this is the first time I've discussed my beliefs in an open forum, ever.
I also must state that I firmly believe in free will and "live and let live" - I do not knock other faiths or religions, each to their own. This post must not be viewed as an insult to anyone's beliefs. The comments above do not reflect the views of HEXUS or any of it's employees, affiliates and Moderators
Phew, that will do for now.