I have just fully upgraded my wireless at home.
In terms of devices I have my router (it used to be 2: one for ADSL with wireless G disabled and a 'cable' type for MIMO extended wireless range ) with my main PC ethernet connected; in terms of wireless devices i have:
2 laptops, 1 wii, 1 wireless media player, 1 Sony Clie.
I was encryped with WEP only, and was fed up with generally rubbish wireless reliability for media transmission (where skips and jumps matter far more than in web browsing or file transfer situations), so upgraded to the new Pre N Netgear DG834N, and upgraded my main laptop to the WN511b that came with it.
All therefore should be good, and with the router and related card ought to be able to get super speeds (acknowledging that lesser cards whilst active this might drag it down, but still...).
I noted that top speeds were only available using the WPA2-PSK encryption, but that's all the better as it's more secure (probably) than WEP 64bit.
And indeed, once all set up and connected, the driver on the laptop was reporting variations between 70 MBps and 200+ depending on proximity to the router....
"Great" thought I. Let's try playing music over iTunes.
First problem - frequent stuttering & breaking up. "That's odd" - the bitrate should be almost nil in terms of available bandwidth. Checked the broadcast / recieve channel (since I have one neighbour unencrypted on 11 and another broadcasting a BT Home hub on channel 6), and sure enough i am on 1 as I wanted.
Tried playing some xvids - stuttering again, even more prominent.
Tried to copy a file of 300 meg, anticipated time to copy = 14 minutes!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!
Tried changing channels etc etc etc.
In the end, I have found out the only way to get really good file transfer speeds, streaming etc etc:
Change encryption to WEP 64bit.
And you know what? I think it works a little bit better than it used to....it better bloody had for the cost