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Thread: Restrict drive in access GPO - This may be of some use to someone

  1. #1
    Jay is offline
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    Restrict drive in access GPO - This may be of some use to someone

    This is something I wrote up a while ago, It looks as if MS never change the basics in their OS so its still valid! I am setting up a GPO and it needs to hide Drives A: to drives E: The option in the GPO are A:, A: B:, A: B: C:, C:, none or all. So, I can't hide E: F: etc without messing around for ages. It was the same in Windows 2000 Server and it was an issue then as well!

    anyway after a few hours messing I found that here is how to do it.....

    Drive letter and corresponding code

    A 1
    B 2
    C 4
    D 8
    E 16
    F 32
    G 64
    H 128
    I 256
    J 512
    K 1024
    L 2048
    M 4096
    N 8192
    O 16384
    P 32768
    Q 65536
    R 131072
    S 262144
    T 524288
    U 1048576
    V 2097152
    W 4194304
    X 8388608
    Y 16777216
    Z 33554432
    ALL 67108863

    If you want to block multiple drives, add the values of those drives together.


    Block A & B = 3
    Block A, B, C & D = 15

    Here is the script for the new adm file.

    CATEGORY  !!HideDrives
    KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
        POLICY !!HideDrives 
        VALUENAME "NoDrives"
            NAME !!ABOnly           VALUE NUMERIC    3
            NAME !!COnly            VALUE NUMERIC    4
            NAME !!DOnly            VALUE NUMERIC    8
            NAME !!ABConly          VALUE NUMERIC    7
            NAME !!ABCDOnly         VALUE NUMERIC    15
            NAME !!HideACE          VALUE NUMERIC    21
            NAME !!HideCE           VALUE NUMERIC    20
            NAME !!HideCDE          VALUE NUMERIC    28
            NAME !!HideACEF         VALUE NUMERIC    53
            NAME !!HideCEF          VALUE NUMERIC    52
            NAME !!ALLDrives        VALUE NUMERIC    67108863 DEFAULT 
            NAME !!RestNoDrives     VALUE NUMERIC    0
        END PART            
        END POLICY
    END CATEGORY;HideDrives
    Blank=" "
    ABCDOnly="Restrict A, B, C and D drives only"
    ABConly="Restrict A, B and C drives only"
    ABOnly="Restrict A and B drives only"
    ALLDrives="Restrict all drives"
    COnly="Restrict C drive only"
    DOnly="Restrict D drive only"
    HideACEF="Restrict A,C,E and F drives only"
    HideCDE="Restrict C, D and E drives only"
    HideACE="Restrict A, C and E drives only"
    HideCE="Restrict C and E drives only"
    HideCEF="Restrict C, E and F drives only"
    HideDrives="Hide Drives"
    HideDrivesDropdown="Hide Drives Selection"
    MoveProfile="Move Profiles"
    MoveProfileDropdown="Move User Profile Location"
    MOVEPROFILETOD="Move Profile to D Drive"
    RestNoDrives="Restore Drives"
    Save the file as hidedrives.adm and save it in your server's Windows Inf folder. Then in gpedit.msc right click Administrative Templates, select Add Template and select your hidedrives.adm file. This will add it to the GPO and allow you to block the drives on that work station or Terminal Service Server in this case.

    Just though maybe this may be of some use to someone in the future.

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    Re: Restrict drive in access GPO - This may be of some use to someone

    I know this thread is ancient now but I've just googled for a solution to this and this thread came up, I had to say thank you!

    So... Thank you!

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