I'm pondering how best to do this. I have the following scenario.
My PC ---(modem)-----------(modem)-Gateway laptop--(NIC)---(LAN)---(NIC)--server
Effectively, I need to connect my PC to the server. I can connect to a gateway laptop via modem and this laptop is running XP home (I've set it up to accept incoming connections and that works fine). Problem is that I'd like to be able to access the server directly without having to remote desktop to the laptop. I guess, what I need is some kind of routing functionality so that my incoming dia-up gives me full IP access to the server.
Using remote desktop as an intermediate is possible, but doing that over a 28.8k dialup is rather slow especially as I only need ssh / telnet on the server.
So any easy way of doing it using freely available tools? I'll have a play with static routing and stuff but thought there might be a tidier way of doing it
Oh before anyone asks, it's not possible to have a modem directly on the server however, the NIC of the gateway laptop can be on the same subnet as the server so no LAN-side routing is required.