I hope this is the right place for this since its related to networking side of things.
I'm looking for some advice based on peoples experiences of putting a netwok cable around the house.
I need to take a network cable through a cupboard wall (plasterboard) to the adjacent room. I remember the Virgin media installer came and used these white grommets to put into wall after drilling to protect the plasterboard from breaking apart? does anyone know where I can get such things from? I have asked in B&Q and Homebased, but they dont seem to have them.
A URL would be much appreciated.
Whats the best method to safely route the cable, is it worth investing in conduits lay the cabel in that? or simply to staple the cables? I've read if ou staple your should use special staples to protect the cable and some staple guns may actually use so much force to punch the staple that there is a danger of slicing the cable.
Does anyone have a model number of a gun they have used? what it effective?
Wirelessly streaming video from a PS3 (upstairs) to a TV (downstairs)? effective or should I resort to another cable between floors? I dont have Wireless n, just an old 54g unit which has served me well for about 4-5 yrs. We get resonably good coverage although some times our Wi-Fi signal drops by 20% due to interference from outside. (Partly the reason I am cabling between rooms)
Thanks for any information