Hey all,
quick one here. Yesterday I realised that I was payin Virgin Media the same amount for 10Mb as it costs for their 20Mb connection, so a quick call later and its been activated. I go through the usual procedure or rebooting the modem, then router, then switch (prob not needed) and then just wanted to test.
I've tried speedtest and giganews speed tests and none get me near 20mb (I'm getting 14-15) BUT when i actually go and download a large demo from Gamershell then I get a full 2MB/s so I know the hardware must be fine etc and that the line to my house is good etc...
So - how come the standard speed tests wont fully utilise it? Any ideas? I'm sure I've seen people with sigs where they go very high on speedtest, so why not me? Just want to make sure the VM havent forgotten something, or that there isnt something that I need to sort out on my computers...
PS same behaviour on 3 computers...