I have a Belkin F5D7001 Wireless PCI Card and I'm running Windows 7x64. Windows recognized the card automatically upon installation and everything was working fine for at least a couple of months. The card has never given me any issues in XP or Windows 7 before. But about yesterday afternoon, I noticed that my internet connection was excruciatingly slow. I tried a variety of things but I think I've narrowed the problem to the Wifi card as my blackberry, ipod touch and laptop all work seamlessly over wifi.
The card does connect to the wireless network and it obtains an IP address. However when I try to ping my router I tend to get very bad ping times, ranging anywhere from 30 ms all the way to 2000 ms and over. It quite often tends to miss pings and I get the "request timed out" problem. Trying to browse the internet over the connection is all but impossible. I haven't change the position of the router, the desktop or placed anything that could conceivably interfere with the wifi signal between or near the router and desktop. I haven't installed any new programs recently either.
At the moment I've connected my desktop to my router via a network cable and everything is working fine again.
I've tried updating the drivers through windows, downloading drivers through the belkin website, uninstalling the card (in the device manager, not actually pulling out) and reinstalling it.
Now I'm wondering if the card has managed to break somehow. I can't understand what I could have done to break it or why it's suddenly and inexplicably stopped working.
I'd much appreciate any advice since I'm tearing out my hair at this point.