Couple ways to do this.
1. This should be added to your apache.conf and ips changed..
2. alot easyer (can do it without asking for the apache.conf to be changed)
This goes in a .htaccess file
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/proxy.php
RewriteRule .* /proxy.php [last]
and call this proxy.php
//// Config
// Last part of hostnames
$hostpostfix = preg_replace('/^.*?\./', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
// First parts of hostnames
$webmailhost = 'webmail.'.$hostpostfix;
$cpanelhost = 'cpanel.'.$hostpostfix;
$whmhost = 'whm.'.$hostpostfix;
// The host where cPanel is running. I strongly suggest having this script on
// the same server as cPanel, and leaving this setting at default "localhost".
$host = 'localhost';
// I'm honestly not sure if \r\n or \n is most correct, but in this case it
// just needs to work.
$nl = "\r\n";
function error($header, $string) {
echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<h1>Error: '.$header.'</h1>
<hr />
<div style="font-size: 0.8em;"><a href="">'
.'cPanel Proxy 0.2</a></div>
switch($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
case $webmailhost:
$port = 2095;
case $cpanelhost:
$port = 2082;
case $whmhost:
$port = 2086;
'Hostname not recognised','<p>Server is misconfigured or you have '
.'entered a wrong address. You can try these instead:</p>
<tr><td>Webmail: </td><td><a href="http://'.$webmailhost.'/">http://'
<tr><td>cPanel: </td><td><a href="http://'.$cpanelhost.'/">http://'
<tr><td>WHM: </td><td><a href="http://'.$whmhost.'/">http://'.$whmhost
//// Get headers from browser
// "/webmail" is replaced with "/webmail_" in the url, so the server won't
// redirect browsers using this proxy for webmail.
// The protocol is hardcoded to HTTP 1.0. Then we don't have to worry about
// chunked transfers, as 1.1 forces you to.
$frombrowser = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']." "
.str_replace('/webmail_', '/webmail',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])." "
foreach($_SERVER as $a=>$b) {
if ($a == 'HTTP_HOST') $b = "$host:$port";
if ($a == 'HTTP_CONNECTION') $b = "Close"; // FIXME: Maybe a persitent socket could be good for performance. Do we need to make sure only the same browser reuses a socket, or is persistent sockets as stateless as usual?
if (substr($a,0,5)=='HTTP_') {
$frombrowser .= substr($a,5)
.': '. $b.$nl;
// That was the regular headers. Now we need to re-generate the headers that
// was parsed and thrown away before this scripts gets a chance to see them.
// First authentication.
if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])
$frombrowser .= "Authorization: Basic "
// End of browsers headers (for now).
case 'HEAD':
case 'GET':
// We're done, signalling this with an extra newline.
$frombrowser .= $nl;
case 'POST':
// We probably have a body, we need to include this.
$input = fopen('php://input','r');
$frombrowser_body = '';
if (strpos(@$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'], 'multipart/form-data')===false) {
// Not multipart/form-data, sending body directly from browser
// First we get the entire post body.
while (true) {
$data = fread($input, 10240); // FIXME: Can we optimize here with another buffer-size?
if (strlen($data)===0) break;
$frombrowser_body .= $data;
if (strlen(@$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) {
$frombrowser .= "Content-Type: ".$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'].$nl;
} else {
// multipart/form-data
$boundary = '--------'.md5(time()); // FIXME: Do we need a better algorithm to generate boundary string?
$frombrowser .= "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="
foreach($_POST as $name=>$data) {
$frombrowser_body .= '--'.$boundary.$nl
.'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="'.$name.'"'.$nl
.$nl.$data.$nl; // FIXME: If $data is an array, handle that correctly.
foreach($_FILES as $name=>$data) {
if (!is_uploaded_file($data['tmp_name'])) continue;
$frombrowser_body .= '--'.$boundary.$nl
.'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="'.$name.'";'
.' filename="'.$data['name'].'"'.$nl; // FIXME: Do we need some kind of encoding here? What if the filename (or the name) has characters like double-quote, colon, semicolon, \n or \r?
// (Uploading a file with double-quote in filename with Mozilla thru this script fails, I have not done any further testing yet.)
$frombrowser_body .= 'Content-Type: '.$data['type'].$nl
$frombrowser_body .= '--'.$boundary.$nl;
// Okay, now we can finish the headers and attach the body.
$frombrowser .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($frombrowser_body).$nl
'Method not implemented',
'<p>Method '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].' not supported in cPanel '
.'Proxy, sorry.</p>'
// Time to contact server and send request
$server = fsockopen($host, $port);
fputs($server, $frombrowser);
// Get server headers
while (true) {
$data = fgets($server, 10240); // FIXME: Can we optimize here with another buffer-size?
if (strlen(trim($data))==0) break;
// Fix redirects, so browser keeps using proxy for webmail
// I'm not sure if there's any redirects other than in webmail
$data = str_replace(
'Location: http://localhost:2095',
'Location: http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
// Get server body
$data = '';
while (true) {
$line = fgets($server, 10240); // FIXME: Can we optimize here with another buffer-size?
if (strlen($line)===0) break;
$data .= preg_replace('_("|=)/webmail_', '$1/webmail_', $line);
// This has heavy influence on chunk-size (for HTTP/1.1 to browser)
if (strlen($data)>10240) { // FIXME: Can we optimize here with another buffer-size?
echo $data;
$data = '';
// $data is probably not empty.
echo $data;