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Thread: Network Audit....

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Network Audit....


    need to do a network audit at one of our possible sites / clients which i've never done before. So far i've got:

    • check what switches / model / ports / speed
    • servers, how many and spec
    • what software is running on servers
    • network topology, how internet is working / routers ?
    • adsl phone numbers
    • ISP
    • audit on each pc / spec etc

    have i missed anything important out ?

    I have some software like:

    network view
    LAN browser
    remote systeim information

    prepared enough ? obviously bring a laptop with me

  2. #2
    Oh no!I've re-dorkalated! Jiff Lemon's Avatar
    Join Date
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    You may also want to find out usernames and passwords for those switches/routers/printers etc.

    Essentially you need to try and find out everything about everything. What shares have they got, what permissions are in place? What's their important software? Do they backup and how? Are those backups tested.
    Its also worth grabbing copies of the log files from the severs, see if theres any re-occuring problems.

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