2 1/2 years, happy bunny.
but try moving house. try closing an account, and going to a house where you DONT want NTL.
i swear this is tricky as hell. the helpline number for MOVING can only deal with you if you are keeping the service at your new home. I have been put through to so many dead numbers. eventually i was "snuck" a direct dial, by a stressed receptionist, but after 20 minutes i got back to switch board.
have tried all the combos of last 3 numbers of their phone numbers until i got to someone who told me it HAS TO BE CABCELLED BY POST. I got the Coventry address and wrote to them on the 20th Jan.
But today I had heard nowt so I spent 45 mniutes tryng on the phnoe again, I also tried an online complaints form.
Eventually got through to the house moves dept AND a human who understood how it worked (thank you SARAH DEACON, you are todays Hexus star) who blocked my account so the new house owner cant use it, back dated the account closure tot he correct date, and tld me to safely cancel my Direct Debit.
They did not haveany of my details on file for cancellation. More over they changed the postal cancellaton service over a month ago. SO I WAS LIED TO AGAIN and my letter was useless.
Deep breath Zakky. But people...if you have NTL, be wary, getting AWAY is hard. You dont wanna just cancel your Direct Debit cos you have THIER set top box, and if they cant find you to collect it, you're indebted to them, and they will want their dough somehow.
Plus had to organise an NTL man to collect my set top box. and if they didnt get my letter, or havent dealt with it, when would that have happened?
Nightmare. Not dealing with them again. Horrible experience.