I recently acquired an old Toshiba Tecra 8000 (P2 233MHz, 128MB RAM, 4GB HDD) for schoolwork. As most of the school (well at least the bits I have classes in) now have wireless network coverage, I bought a wi-fi PCMCIA card (my first order from Scan with free shipping no less).
The machine is running Windows 98SE (for speed reasons, 2000 would run too slowly) so I'm worried about security. I want a firewall, so firstly looked at zone alarm because I've used it in the past. However the minimum specs are a 450MHz pentium, & bearing in mind that these are minimum & not recommended, it would probably slow this 233 to a crawl. So I looked at kerio, but that isn't available for 98SE. The same problems arose with at least 3 others.
Bearing in mind that I am a careful person who well understands the security problems of Windows, do I actually need a firewall/virus checker (especially considering that the school's net connection goes through a hardware firewall first). Are there actually that many virus risks for 98 anymore, because surely the largest target is XP?
So essentially I need advice on how/if to secure my laptop, whilst bearing in mind the specs.